Explore - Summarized Scientific Research
Welcome to the Explore section of the Disruption Department, where you can discover the latest scientific research, summarized and made accessible by our AI.

Nov 10, 2023,Salvador, Brazil — A summary of a research paper comparing user perceptions of condominial and conventional sewer systems in Salvador, Brazil. The study reveals insights into the practicality, cost-effectiveness, and community engagement in urban sanitation.

Nov 6, 2023,Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France — A study by Titouan Dubo et al. explores the decision-making contexts that support the implementation of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in the Alps.

Nov 4, 2023,Tartu, Estonia — A comprehensive summary of the article 'Nature based solutions for flood risks: What insights do the social representations of experts provide?' by Pénélope Brueder, Alexandra Schleyer-Lindenmann, Corinne Curt, and Franck Taillandier.

Nov 2, 2023,California, United States — The 'Safe and Sustainable Water in Cities' initiative by PLOS Water aims to address the Sustainable Development Goal on water and sanitation, focusing on the sustainable management of water resources.

Oct 17, 2023,East Asia, China — A comprehensive study exploring the role of green finance in promoting sustainable practices among high-energy-consuming enterprises in China.

Oct 13, 2023,Asia, Saudi Arabia — A summary of a cross-sectional study exploring the usage and attitudes towards dietary supplements among middle-aged and older adults in Asir region, Saudi Arabia.
Oct 3, 2023,Catalonia, Spain — A groundbreaking study using a Topological Data Analysis-based classifier to understand and predict brain states.

Sep 28, 2023,Central Asia, Afghanistan — A new study examines how the BBC World Service and Aljazeera framed the arrests of girls' education activists under strict Sharia law in Afghanistan. The study found that the two news outlets framed the arrests in different ways, reflecting their different editorial perspectives and audiences.

Sep 27, 2023,Europe, Ireland — A recent study highlights the worsening mental health outcomes in nursing home staff during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ireland.

Sep 23, 2023,Kampala, Uganda — A study analyzing the factors influencing safe water drinking practices, specifically boiling water, among older persons in Kampala's slums. The study reveals disparities based on gender, living conditions, and water source.