Explore - Summarized Scientific Research
Welcome to the Explore section of the Disruption Department, where you can discover the latest scientific research, summarized and made accessible by our AI.

Sep 11, 2023,Moscow, Russia — This research explores the role of pre-doctorate experience in shaping the outcomes of doctoral students. It examines whether and how various aspects of pre-doctorate experience contribute to the successful defense of the doctoral dissertation.

Sep 5, 2023,Ottawa, Canada — A team of researchers from the University of Saskatchewan developed a Cannabis Knowledge Assessment Tool (CKAT) to measure knowledge about cannabis in the context of cannabis legalization. The CKAT was created using the Delphi method, with a purposive sample of healthcare professionals, policymakers, academics, patients, and students serving as the content and development experts.

Aug 29, 2023,Coast, Scotland — A study published in PLOS ONE on August 28, 2023, titled 'Self-reported benefits and risks of open water swimming to health, wellbeing and the environment: Cross-sectional evidence from a survey of Scottish swimmers' investigated the patterns and trends in the perceived benefits and risks of open water swimming to both public health and the environment.

Aug 28, 2023,Massachusetts, United States — A recent study highlights the need for negative emissions via carbon dioxide removal (CDR) measures to reach ambitious mitigation goals. In particular, ecosystem-based CDR measures are currently the focus of national net-zero strategies and novel carbon crediting efforts.

Aug 27, 2023,Clear Water Bay Peninsula, New Territories, Hong Kong — A recent study published in PLOS Climate explores the role of values in public participation in energy decision-making. The study argues that engaging people with different values from early on in decision-making can help develop more socially acceptable energy projects.

Aug 26, 2023,California, United States — A recent review discusses the importance of microbial water quality data and predictive analytics in achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6.

Aug 23, 2023,St Gallen, Switzerland — A brief and concise summary of a scientific article that explores the patterns and dynamics of physical activity changes across different types of life events and transitions among young adults.

Aug 21, 2023,Massachusetts, United States — A recent study conducted by the University of Massachusetts Amherst has revealed that the wealthiest Americans, those whose income places them in the top 10% of earners, are responsible for 40% of the nation's total greenhouse gas emissions.

Aug 20, 2023,Maryland, United States — A study examining the prevalence of opioid use and its association with sociodemographic characteristics in the All of Us Research Program.

Aug 19, 2023,Southern Plains, Nepal — This research article analyzes the factors affecting what and where girls eat and what affects their behavior in the plains of Nepal, using a cultural-ecological approach.